Ultra Fine Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is a superior off white powder, sterilised for consuming by heat treating via sunshine or UV light - enough to kill bacteria and pathogens but not harm the Diatomaceous Earth. It is 100% pure and contains less than 1% of crystal and silicon. Particle size is approximately 20 UM.
Containing minerals such as Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Silica, this grade is a nice finely ground powder as soft as Talc powder consistency and easily disperses in water or juice.
Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth has been approved by the FDA as a food product.
This product is originally sourced from an organic certified supplier.
What Is Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth?
It is a naturally occurring rock made from the skeletons of fossilised diatoms, a type of hard shelled algae. Food grade diatomaceous earth is chemical free and non toxic.
Disclaimer: The information provided here are presented as educational purposes only. The above information is purely the sellers and clients first hand experience and it is not recommended that you use any of the products we offer, in this way. The sharing of of our personal experiences and any other information shared with you, is not intended for diagnosing, prescribing or or the treatment of any illness. Any application of the information above is at the viewers discretion and sole risk. Please consult your animal or personal health care professional for further advice.
Package Includes:
Diatomaceous Earth Powder in resealable bucket.