Sink ball after ball. Practice with your basketball hoop. Practice makes perfect. Master the basics then take them onto the court against your friends. Maybe you can’t dribble but you got game.
Set-up your basketball ring. Invite a mate over for some one-on-one action against your garage wall. Whoever loses buys the first round of drinks. Win win. Well basketball always wins.
Install your basketball ring and hoop on your brick wall. Mark off the drill holes. Pull out your masonry drill. Drill the holes. Place up your basketball ring. Insert the wall plugs. Tighten. Ready to play now.
Maybe you are awkward playing sport around others. Practice with your basket ball hoop in the privacy of your own home. Build up your skills and confidence.
Relieve stress. Shoot some hoops in your new basketball hoop. Your basketball flat? We got you covered with a hand pump. Get right back to getting that stress out of your system.
Key features
Steel wall anchors and basketball pump included
Material: Solid steel, nylon
Rim diameter: 45cm
Colour: Orange