For Crystal lovers, you can never underestimate the energy, healing power and beauty of a good crystal piece, like the pristine Clear Quartz.
Our designer has smartly combined the beautiful crystal with the luxury of jewelry. On top of it, make it diffusing jewel when you walk around with your favorite aroma, beauty and energy. Using the tool contained, the delicate crystal bottle necklace?is used to store a few drops of essential oil which will diffuse gently through softwood to create an atmosphere of protection and aroma when you are on the go.
Clear Quartz is known as the master healer. A high vibrational stone that has the ability to declutter, revitalize and balance the mind, body and spirit. Amidst other benefits, it assists in warding off negativity, aids in concentration, and improves memory. It amplifies energies of other crystals close by and acts as a cleanser for the soul.
Each Package comes with a Necklace, a Purify Essential Oil Blend and a tool kit.
What's in the Diffusers?
Crystal quartz, stainless steel, softwood and Murano glass beads
Directions of Use
For inhalations: unplug the softwood seal and add 1-2 drops of essential oils to the glass bottle of the necklace so diffusing will occur.