Camping in the cold is not an option. It is not fun going camping when the temperature drops in the deep sleeping hours of the night. Where this is not something you are in control of, this feature-packed sleeping bag will be your solution for comfortable and warm night sleep. The sleeping bag brings cosy comfort of your bed to your camping site. With a temperature range of -10?C and up to +15?C, it will do wonders in the wild. Don?t be left in the cold again with our range of sleeping bags. It's your best choice for every camping trip.
Key features
Brand: Mountview
Outer material: 210T Polyester
Inner material: Flannel
Filling material: Hollow fibre
Temperature range: -10? to 15?C
Weight: 2.8kg
Carry bag dimension: 25cm x 40cm
Overall dimension: 185cm x 145cm
Colour: Grey