Spend less time cutting grass and more time knocking back some tinnies. Twisted trimmer line cuts grass rather than breaking it. Even better your lawn edging will look super fine.
Everything costs more money so save fuel running your line trimmer. Twisted trimmer line reduces drag meaning your whipper snipper spends less effort to hit its maximum speed.
Garden power tools are loud. Your spiral twist weed eater string runs quieter than other styles. Less drag means less noise being created. Designed not to melt in the trimmer head.
Spend less time replacing your whipper snipper cord and more time trimming your grass. Your trimmer cord is more durable against hard surfaces like concrete. Save time between reloads.
Store your whipper snipper cord out of the sun. If your cord gets brittle try storing it in water before using it. Make sure you clean out and maintain your spool head so the cord can exit freely.
Key Features